IDEAS Simon de la Rouviere IDEAS Simon de la Rouviere

New Markets In The Arts #2: Generative Art Economies

Art is everywhere. This hasn't been more true in our modern era, where anyone, and ultimately any *thing* could create art. With powerful computers and the proliferation of machine learning, it's running head-first into art, and boy, is it fun. Somewhere, in all the latent space of potential art, lies patterns that will move us, and we can task our friendly mechanical friends with crypto-economics to go find them.

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IDEAS Simon de la Rouviere IDEAS Simon de la Rouviere

Clovers & Continuous Economies Around Algorithms

I'm really happy to see Clovers finally go live! It's a blockchain application where you collect unique patterns of finished games of Othello (called Clovers). The most prized ones are those that exhibit symmetry. It's fun, quirky, nerdy, arty, but interestingly: a step forward in building economies around algorithms themselves.

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