As writer:


Untitled (2023/2024)

In progress… Interested to rep? Find me on social media.

After the largest social media site gets hacked and everyone’s private messages get leaked, Rachel - a prosecutor by trade - has to navigate ending her marriage after discovering her husband’s affair, but what she uncovers about him alongside society’s response to the leaks sends her on a path that seeks to unravel herself and her sense of justice.

Do we read the messages or not? Do we forgive or seek justice?

Hope Runners of Gridlock (2020)

After the return and unexpected death of a Hope Runner from beyond the anomaly, Flora Kaigo is entered into the Hope Runner Championship to try and answer the questions about the city of Gridlock’s unlikely existence and her own father’s whereabouts. A tale of hope, belonging, and existentialism told through many characters’ systemic struggles with the city of Gridlock’s Public Car Markets and its games of power.

Short Stories

The Serendipity of Self (2022).

Suffering induced memory loss, Grayson wakes up to a world where everyone’s private messages were leaked. Delving deeper, he comes face to face with a surreal new reality.

The Line To Anchor City (as part of Untitled Frontier’s Logged Universe) (2021).

An uploaded mind, after having lived countless simulated lives, tries to find his way back to reality through his long past.

Earth Has Been Margin Called (2020).

An unlikely hero is tasked save humanity after discovering that Earth had been margin called in a cosmic game of collateral.

A Letter to Pat & Ara at Block 6127192 (2015).

A sibling tries to grapple with with the death of his brother and sister by writing them a letter before simulating them from the immutable history of a blockchain.

As Producer & Editor for Untitled Frontier:

MS-OS by Andy Tudhope (2023)

A simulated soul, finding themselves back in the real world, in Anchor City, remains confused about their place in all things. Blurring realities again, they undergo a new journey.

Upstream Glitches by Vesta Gheibi (2022)

Marsa, afraid of the eternal loop, joins other uploaded minds in the simulation's first school of unlearning.

Little Martians & The Human Memorial Monument by Vanessa Rosa (2022)

In the very far future, Diana comes to terms with her new reality after an adventure through humanity's memorial.

Memories of Atlas by Nathan Chen (2021)

An old mercenary's prized painting of his son gets stolen, sending him on a mission into the depths of his own mind & the simulation.